Course Syllabus
English 1A: Reading and Composition
Your Instructor
Welcome to English 1A, Reading and Composition. I am Professor Elayne Kelley. I have taught English at El Camino College for six years. Even though this is an online class, you can "talk" to me any time you have a question or comment about this course. Many of my students refer to me as Professor K, so feel free to do the same. You can always email me through Canvas or at
The Books You Need
- Boyle, Gregory. Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion. Free Press: 2010. ISBN #9781439153154
- Pink, Daniel H. Drive. Riverhead Books: 2009. ISBN#9781594484803
- English Composition I. Open Educational Resource (OER)—This entire textbook is free and accessible online at the link below.
Course Description
This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper.
Course Objectives
- Recognize and revise sentence-level grammar and usage errors.
- Read and apply critical-thinking skills to numerous published articles and to college-level, book-length works for the purpose of writing and discussion.
- Apply appropriate strategies in the writing process including dissecting and understanding prompts, prewriting, composing, revising, and editing techniques.
- Compose coherent, multi-paragraph, thesis-driven essays with logical and appropriate supporting ideas, including in-text citations.
- Demonstrate the ability to locate and utilize a variety of academic databases, peer-reviewed journals, and scholarly websites.
- Demonstrate the ability to write coherent, text-driven, timed in-class essays.
- Utilize MLA guidelines to format essays, cite sources in the texts of essays, and compile Works Cited lists.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will:
- Complete a research-based essay that has been written out of class and undergone revision. It should demonstrate the student’s ability to thoughtfully support a single thesis using analysis and synthesis.
- Integrate multiple sources, including a book-length work and a variety of academic databases, peer-reviewed journals, and scholarly websites. Citations must be in MLA format and include a Works Cited page.
- Demonstrate logical paragraph composition and sentence structure. The essay should have correct grammar, spelling, and word use.
Class Policies
Attendance looks differently in this online format. You will have to several weekly assignments, in addition to four major papers, which means you will have to "attend" this class at least two times a week for about two hours at at time in addition to the assigned reading and writing. The class will take roughly 9-12 hours per week for 16 weeks (This includes time when you may not be logged into the class, but rather reading or writing for the class). There are hard due dates, so pay attention to them. I will open up three Modules at a time for those of you who want to get ahead. The add/drop period is for the first two weeks of the semester. After that you can receive a "W" (Withdrawal) if you drop after the first two weeks until Week 12.
You might wonder, "Can I be dropped from this lack for lack of attendance?" Yes! Attendance in this class is just as important as it is in a face-to-face class. If you don't log-in by the end of the first week and complete the introductory assignment, I will drop you to create space for someone on the wait list. Further, if you go two consecutive weeks without logging in to this class, I will drop you.
"Netiquette" is a clever term to describe the etiquette you should use in this online format. Only post information that you would say during a face-to-face in a classroom. Let your personality shine!
Contact me with any questions.
Statement of Student Access
It is the policy of the El Camino Community College District to encourage full inclusion of people with disabilities in all programs and services. Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class should contact the campus Special Resource Center (310) 660-3295, as soon as possible. This will ensure that students are able to fully participate.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
El Camino College places a high value on the integrity of its student scholars. When an instructor determines that there is evidence of dishonesty in any academic work (including, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or theft of exam materials), disciplinary action appropriate to the misconduct as defined in BP 5500 may be taken. A failing grade on an assignment in which academic dishonesty has occurred and suspension from class are among the disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty (AP 5520). Students with any questions about the Academic Honesty or discipline policies are encouraged to speak with their instructor in advance.
In order to receive a grade, all final drafts must be turned in via Turnitin on the due date. Set up an account today at
Class ID is 18647469
Enrollment Key is “read.”
The class will follow a traditional grade breakdown. All grades are posted in your Canvas gradebook which you can view through "Grades."
100-90: A
89-80: B
79-70: C
69-60: D
59-0: F
Major Assignments
- Four formal papers
- Five Quizzes
- 8 Discussions
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |