Course Syllabus

Welcome to

Entrepreneurship II Honors

Ms. Shamika Archer

Room A236

Course Syllabus

Course Description and Content:

In this course, students evaluate the concepts of going into business for themselves and working for or operating a small business. They become acquainted with channel management, pricing, product/service management, and promotion. Emphasis is on the exploration of feasible ideas of products/services, research procedures, business financing, marketing strategies, and access to resources for starting a small business. Students will be introduced to the Lean Canvas Business Model (LCBM) throughout the course. A performance-based measurement will be used in this course to assessing student learning. English language arts and social studies are reinforced.

Course Objectives 

Unit 1.00: Understand business planning, business ethics, resources, and risks.

Unit 2.00: Understand the costs of starting up and running a business.

Unit 3.00: Understand the impact of product, place, promotion, and pricing.

Unit 4.00: Understand marketing information to conduct analysis, identify market segments, and plan marketing activities.

Unit 5.00: Implement accounting procedures to track money flow and to determine financial status.

Student Expectations

Please be respectful at all times to your fellow classmates, myself, and other teachers

  1. Class participation is essential for daily lectures, projects, and cooperative learning. Please do your best to stay focused and involved.  We will cover a great deal of material and the assignments will be fun and educational. Should you have additional questions make sure you ask right away.
  2. YOU are responsible for any and all work. If you missed a day of class or need to make up an assignment, check Power School to see what you have a 0 for and ask questions accordingly. Extra credit is a privilege, not a right. It is only given at the teacher's discretion.
  3. See student handbook for appropriate academic conduct and the honor system. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will not be tolerated! If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may influence your ability to carry out assigned course work, you are encouraged to let me know as soon as possible in a private manner.  For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In other words, students may not "work together" on graded assignments unless it is a group assignment.
  4. Never be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS. There is no such thing as a dumb question, only the ones not asked. If you are unsure of something, do not hesitate to message me immediately and I will do my best to assist you. If you need help with your assignment, do not hesitate to ask also. Asking for help or asking a question doesn’t make you any less than anyone else.
  5. HAVE FUN! This class is all about being creative and taking a hobby or a dream and making it a reality. Who knows that dream could make you millions one day….

Course Work Weights & Grading Scale:

Test: 40%

Projects: 30%

Quiz: 10%

Classwork: 10%

Homework: 10%


A: 100-90

B: 89-80

C: 79-70

D: 69-60

F: 59-below.


Communication for Ms. Archer