Course Syllabus
CIS 13: Computer Information Systems
3 Units Transfer CSU / UC - (Class Syllabus/Subject to Change)
Section: 3456 – Spring 2018
Instructor : N Ghori Lab (Wed) Office Phone:
07:00PM - 07:50PM MBA - 208
Eligibility for English 84 and experience using a computer.
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the concepts and technologies used in processing information in an organization. Topics include information systems, database management systems, networking, e-commerce, ethics and security, computer systems hardware, and applications. Students will apply these concepts and methods through hands-on projects developing computer-based solutions using application software. Student is responsible to drop the class if not attending. Unexcused absences may result in student being dropped from the class.
Required Textbooks:
- Understanding Computers Today &Tomorrow, 16thed, ISBN 978-1-305-65631-4
- New Perspectives MSOffice 365 Excel 2016. ISBN 978-1-305-88042-9
- New Perspectives MSOffice 365 Access 2016. ISBN 978-1-305-88028-3
Materials: USB disk with 1Gig storage, Three Scantrons #882E and #2 Pencil.
Course Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the development and use of information systems in business.
- Solve common business problems using appropriate information technology applications and systems.
- Identify the impact of the expanding scope of digital technology including career opportunities, privacy, security, ethics, global relationships, and perceptions of reality.
- Identify and analyze existing and emerging technologies and their impact on organizations and society including computer, communication and information systems, privacy, security, crime, ethics, global relationships, and career opportunities.
Students Learning Outcome and Special Accommodations:
- Solve common business problems using appropriate information technology applications and systems design and developmental tools.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the system development process and use of information systems within an organization.
- Identify and analyze existing and emerging technologies and their impact on organizations and society including communication and global relationships.
- Demonstrate knowledge of network configurations, risk management and security protocols.
- El Camino College is committed to providing educational accommodations for students with disabilities upon the timely request by the student to the instructor. A student with any disability, who would like to request an academic accommodation, is responsible for identifying herself/himself to the instructor and to the Special Resources Center. Additional helpful links are: and Or by calling (310) 660-3295
Grading Procedure:
Labs and Lab Participation 10% Midterm Exams (2) 40%
Class Participation & Presentation 10% Lab Exams (2) 20%
Final exam 20% Extra Credit 5%
Lab Assignments: Late assignments will receive half the credit than those turned in on time. Lab work will be assigned every week. Assignments will be considered late after the dates specified for each section. There will be no incompletes.
Exams: The two midterms and the final will consist of questions requiring True/False and Multiple Choice answers. It will test students on text material covered. The final exam will not be cumulative. The two Lab exams will be hands-on and computer based.
Academic dishonesty: While students are encouraged to work with their classmates to understand and even to plan assignments, the work and assignments must be an individual effort. Assignments that are reproductions of all or part of someone else’s are considered cheating. Academic dishonesty and lack of discipline will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action as per the college catalog.
Attendance and Conduct: Students coming late and/or leaving early will lose attendance and participation points. You may be marked absent if your tele-functioning device is active at any time during the class. You are expected to behave in courteous, professional and respectful manner; discipline must be maintained in class to ensure a healthy learning environment that is mutually beneficial to all students. You are expected to read the chapters and the lab projects BEFORE coming to the class. Two late will be counted as one absence. Students will be subject to disciplinary action for any act of misconduct.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |