All Courses

  • 2020/FA BIOL-15-1136

    Basic ecological and biological principles and concepts are emphasized in the study of the structure and function of ecosystems. Major ecological problems such as over-population, resource depletion and food production are related to endangered species and habitat degradation. Environmental pollution of air and water resources are considered in local areas as well as national and international situations. Air quality and global warming issues are considered. Students are encouraged to participate in local activities addressing environmental problems and restoring and improving local habitats. 08/24/2020-12/09/2020 Lecture Monday, Wednesday 10:00AM - 11:25AM, Chemistry, Room 162

  • 2021/WI ASTR-20-1052

    This course is an introduction to the major planets and the smaller members of the solar system such as moons, asteroids, Kuiper Belt Objects, and comets. Theories of the origin and histories of the planets are presented. The early history of astronomy and the Copernican Revolution are discussed. Sky phenomena such as the constellations, the seasons, eclipses, and planetary motions are demonstrated in the planetarium. The possibility of life elsewhere in the solar system is examined. 01/04/2021-02/04/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2021/WI FILM-154-4908

    This course will survey major films and filmmakers from one or more regions, such as Italy or India, or from a geographic area such as Africa or Latin America. By analyzing representative films as unique cultural products, the student will be introduced to various methods of interpreting and evaluating a particular region's indigenous cinema within its socio-political context. Emphasis is placed on studying films and directors whose stylistic and thematic trends have been affected by significant cultural events. As the content changes each semester, this course is repeatable for credit. 01/04/2021-02/04/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2021/SP BIOL-15-1144

    Basic ecological and biological principles and concepts are emphasized in the study of the structure and function of ecosystems. Major ecological problems such as over-population, resource depletion and food production are related to endangered species and habitat degradation. Environmental pollution of air and water resources are considered in local areas as well as national and international situations. Air quality and global warming issues are considered. Students are encouraged to participate in local activities addressing environmental problems and restoring and improving local habitats. 02/13/2021-06/11/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2021/SP ASTR-20-4850

    This course is an introduction to the major planets and the smaller members of the solar system such as moons, asteroids, Kuiper Belt Objects, and comets. Theories of the origin and histories of the planets are presented. The early history of astronomy and the Copernican Revolution are discussed. Sky phenomena such as the constellations, the seasons, eclipses, and planetary motions are demonstrated in the planetarium. The possibility of life elsewhere in the solar system is examined. 02/13/2021-06/11/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2021/SP BIOL-10-1123

    This course is a survey of all living things: prokaryotes, protists, fungi, plants, and animals. Basic principles of structure, function, and relationships of living organisms are discussed with special reference to humans.

  • 2021/SP BUS-19-4307

    This course examines the principles and practices used in the management of successful retail stores. Topics include site selection, layout, merchandising, staffing, positioning, customer service, promotional techniques, and all aspects of the critical buying function. Note: Letter grade or pass/no pass option. 04/17/2021-06/11/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2021/SP ENGL-1A-4604 & 4608

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 02/13/2021-06/11/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2021/SP ENGL-1A-6697

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 02/13/2021-06/11/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced

  • 2021/SP FASH-16-7538

    This course focuses on contemporary and historic illustration. Students delve into the study of historical fashion design, how it is properly illustrated, and its application for contemporary apparel design. Historic time periods include the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Middle Ages, Renaissance, 17th and 18th Centuries, Empire, Romantic, Caroline and Edwardian Period to 1980's. Attention is given to fabric, color, and texture renderings in various mediums. 02/13/2021-06/11/2021 Lecture Friday 11:00AM - 12:05PM, ONLINE, Room ONLI (more)...

  • 2021/SP FILM-154-4925

    This course will survey major films and filmmakers from one or more regions, such as Italy or India, or from a geographic area such as Africa or Latin America. By analyzing representative films as unique cultural products, the student will be introduced to various methods of interpreting and evaluating a particular region's indigenous cinema within its socio-political context. Emphasis is placed on studying films and directors whose stylistic and thematic trends have been affected by significant cultural events. As the content changes each semester, this course is repeatable for credit. 02/13/2021-06/11/2021 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

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