All Courses

  • 2020/SP ENGL-1A-4604 & 4608

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 02/15/2020-06/12/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2020/SP ENGL-1A-4606 & 4607

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 02/15/2020-06/12/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI

  • 2020/SP FREN-1-6707

    This course introduces students to speaking, listening, reading and writing linguistically appropriate French. Students are also introduced to the cultural background of the language, including the relationships among cultural practices and perspectives and general aspects of everyday life. Technological support may include videos, DVDs, audio CDs, and Internet access to publishers' websites for tutoring and other support. Note: This course is comparable to two years of high school French. 02/19/2020-06/10/2020 Lecture Monday, Wednesday 06:30PM - 09:00PM, Humanities, Room 105

  • 2020/SP PHYS-1A-1617

    This is the first course in a four-semester calculus-based physics sequence designed for students with majors in engineering and the physical sciences. The course focuses on the mechanics of solids, with topics including statics, kinematics, Newton's Laws, energy, power, linear and angular momentum, rotational dynamics, elasticity, simple harmonic motion, and gravitation. *Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing Physics 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and Physics 2A, 2B and/or Physics 3A, 3B is one series. 02/15/2020-06/12/2020 Lecture Monday 02:00PM - 05:10PM, Physics, Room 112 (more)...

  • 2020/SP SLAN-112-4422

    This course is a continuation of the study of Focusing on ASL structure and grammar used by native signers, students will develop fluency at the intermediate level. Note: The prerequisite for this course is comparable to two years of high school sign language. 02/18/2020-06/11/2020 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 06:00PM - 08:05PM, Social Science, Room 210

  • 2020/FA ENGL-1A-6104

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 08/22/2020-12/11/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced

  • 2020/FA ENGL-1A-6144

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 08/22/2020-12/11/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced

  • 2020/FA ENGL-1AS-6244

    This is a supplemental writing course taught in conjunction with English 1A. It is designed for students who would have traditionally placed into English A and English 84 but choose to enroll in English 1A. Students receive instruction in the basic elements of the college essay and receive additional support for topics covered in English 1A. 08/22/2020-12/11/2020 Online Lecture Wednesday 01:55PM - 03:00PM, Room to be Announced (more)...

  • 2020/FA ENGL-1A-6339 & 6392

    This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 08/22/2020-12/11/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced

  • 2020/FA ECHT-120-7470

    This course provides the student with a background in modern solid-state devices for electronic technician work or troubleshooting. Emphasis is placed on testing devices, combined with study of typical applications. The course of study includes the student construction of an Amplitude Modulation AM radio and experience with computer simulation of laboratory experimentation. 08/22/2020-10/16/2020 Online Lecture Monday 06:00PM - 06:50PM, ONLINE, Room ONLI (more)...

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