All Courses
2019/FA ENGL-1A-4607
This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 08/24/2019-12/13/2019 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI
2019/FA ENGL-1A-4614
This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 08/24/2019-12/13/2019 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI
2020/WI COMS-100-5702
In this course students will compose, present, and evaluate original speeches. Emphasis is placed on audience analysis, topic selection, research, evidence, organization, delivery, and critical analysis of persuasive communication. Students are required to attend out-ofclass speaking events. 01/06/2020-02/06/2020 Lecture Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 08:00AM - 10:10AM, Music, Room 201
2020/WI ENGL-1A-4600
This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 01/06/2020-02/06/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI
2020/WI ENGL-1A-4602
This course is designed to strengthen the students' ability to read with understanding and discernment, to discuss assigned readings intelligently, and to write clearly. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to write an essay in which each paragraph relates to a controlling idea, has an introduction and conclusion, and contains primary and secondary support. College-level reading material will be assigned to provide the stimulus for class discussion and writing assignments, including a required research paper. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing English 1A, Reading and Composition is one course. 01/06/2020-02/06/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI
2020/SU AJ-100-7010
This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process are examined in a cross cultural context, emphasis is placed on the United States justice system, particularly the structure and function of police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, sentencing, and incarceration policies. 06/22/2020-08/13/2020 Lecture Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 09:00AM - 11:10AM, Industry and Technology, Room 115
2020/SU BIOL-10-1034
This course is a survey of all living things: prokaryotes, protists, fungi, plants, and animals. Basic principles of structure, function, and relationships of living organisms are discussed with special reference to humans. *Note: Students will not receive UC credit for Biology 10 if taken after Biology 101. 06/22/2020-08/13/2020 Lecture Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:00AM - 01:10PM, Life Sciences, Room 105 (more)...
2020/SU PHYS-2A-1093
This course is part of a one-year algebra- and trigonometry-based survey of physics. Topics covered include kinematics, statics, dynamics, momentum, energy, rotation, gravitation and planetary motion, fluids, kinetic theory of gases, and thermodynamics. In addition, the course covers elasticity and vibration, wave motion, interference, standing waves, and sound. Note: The maximum UC credit allowed for students completing Physics 2A, 2B and Physics 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and/or Physics 3A, 3B is one series. 06/22/2020-08/13/2020 Lecture Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 04:00PM - 06:10PM, Physics, Room 109 (more)...
2020/SP ASTR-20-4850
This course is an introduction to the major planets and the smaller members of the solar system such as moons, asteroids, Kuiper Belt Objects, and comets. Theories of the origin and histories of the planets are presented. The early history of astronomy and the Copernican Revolution are discussed. Sky phenomena such as the constellations, the seasons, eclipses, and planetary motions are demonstrated in the planetarium. The possibility of life elsewhere in the solar system is examined. 02/15/2020-06/12/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI
2020/SP ASTR-25-4860
This course is an introduction to the universe and its history. The main focus is on our view of the heavens and how astronomers learn about stars and galaxies. The formation, life histories, and fates of different kinds of stars, including the sun, are examined. Exotic stars as well as black holes are explored. The structure and distribution of galaxies are discussed, with a focus on our own Milky Way Galaxy. The possibility of simple and intelligent life in the Milky Way Galaxy will be examined. The history of the universe, starting with the Big Bang is also investigated. 02/15/2020-06/12/2020 Online Lecture Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedONLINE, Room ONLI
2020/SP BUS-24-3190
This course provides students with the ability to identify opportunities and develop them into viable small businesses or non-profit organizations. Students will focus on building the entrepreneurial skills needed to initiate and manage a small business or small organization. Areas of concentration include product development, acquiring financing, drafting a business plan, advertising, accounting, legal forms of organizations, and strategic planning. Note: Letter grade or pass/no pass option. 02/20/2020-06/11/2020 Lecture Thursday 06:30PM - 09:40PM, Math Business Allied Health, Room 202
2020/SP EDEV-10-4242
This course introduces deaf and hard-of-hearing students to the basic principles of grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. Students will develop clear, concise sentences and write short paragraphs. Note: This course is taught in American Sign Language and designed for students who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. Note: Pass/no pass only. 02/15/2020-06/12/2020 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 02:00PM - 02:50PM, Communications, Room 305 (more)...