Essay #1: Timed Writing Response
- Due Mar 18, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Questions 2
- Available until Jun 13, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit 140 Minutes
WARNING! This is a timed writing assignment.
Once you open this "quiz" (Essay #1), you will have a little over 2 hours (140 minutes) to complete the essay. It is imperative you have your materials on hand before opening the quiz (e.g. your book, notes/discussion posts open in another tab, etc). Things to know:
You can incorporate any of your own discussion post responses, into your essay.
This essay is open, book/note.
Spelling/grammar checking software/applications are encouraged.
You can not use any outside sources.
You must incorporate quotes, summaries, and/or paraphrases from at least one of the sources we have read in this unit (but no more than three).
Using personal and/or observational examples is fine as long as it connects to your point and you are engaging with the source(s) primarily.
There is also a space under Question 2 to upload a pdf, doc, or docx version of your essay (no pages or any other format).
Rubric/Grading Breakdown:
Yes, totally! |
Mostly. |
Barely… |
Not yet. |
Prompt (20 points): How well does the essay answer the prompt? Does the essay follow the objectives set for the assignments Does the essay meet the word count? Does the essay include the minimum number of sources?
Effectively addresses the writing prompt including all of its tasks and criteria; meets the minimum requirements. |
More than adequately addresses the writing prompt including all of its tasks and criteria; meets, or comes close to, the minimum requirements.
Attempts to address the writing prompt but may slight a task and or two; may not meet one or more criterion of the assignment.
Leaves little doubt whether the writer understood the assignment and may also reflect less than adequate effort at addressing the prompt and its requirements. |
Thesis and Introduction (25 points): How well does the essay introduce and explain the topic? Is the proper amount of background information given? Is there a set up to the thesis? Is the thesis present and complete?
Effectively Sets up the topic and any necessary background information; has a strong thesis that meets or exceeds expectations. |
More than adequately sets up the topic any necessary background information; thesis is present and addresses the prompt. |
Addresses the topic but does not fully articulate what the essay is about; there is an attempt at a thesis but may not fully meet expectations. |
Reflects less than adequate effort in explaining the topic; lacks a coherent thesis.
Organization (15 points)
Are the ideas presented in a logical manner? Do the supporting points connect to the thesis? Are ideas explained and supported? |
Is well organized and thoroughly developed; the paragraphs support the thesis and are arranged in a logical order.
Is overall well organized and developed; most of the paragraphs support the thesis. |
Is generally organized and satisfactorily developed.
Is relatively unorganized and or inadequately developed; body paragraphs do not connect to a central point.
Structure (20 points)
How well are the body, and concluding paragraphs structured? Is quoting, summarizing and/or paraphrasing accurate? Are they relevant?
Is focused, coherent, and unified; the paper is written with the reader in mind; Uses insightful and well-integrated support, including in-text documentation when required; summarizes, paraphrases, and quotes accurately. |
Uses appropriate and integrated support, including in-text documentation when required; introduces and explains most quoted material.
Uses sufficient and generally acceptably integrated support including in-text documentation when required.
Uses insufficient and some unacceptable support which is often poorly integrated. |
Grammar/Syntax/Formatting (10 points)
Is the essay relatively free of grammatical errors and careless typos? Is the sentence structure correct? Does the essay show thoughtful word choice, connections, and transitions? Does the essay follow MLA documentation taught to date? |
Demonstrates sentence variety and a range of vocabulary; includes transitions; is free from grammatical errors taught to date; Follows MLA format well.
Demonstrates a degree of sentence variety and proper word choices; Is generally free from grammatical errors taught to date; Follows MLA format.
Demonstrates proper sentence structure throughout most of the paper and contains few erroneous word choices; Displays occasional difficulty with grammar errors taught to date, but reveals an overall satisfactory understanding of the rules taught; Follows MLA moderately well.
Demonstrates a lack of knowledge of sentence structure and uses some poor or erroneous word choices; Has a pattern or an accumulation of errors in grammar issues taught to date.
MLA (10 points): Does the essay follow MLA documentation taught to date? (e.g. in-text documentation, works cited, overall formatting, etc.)
Meets or exceeds MLA formatting requirements taught to date. |
May slight a task or two but more than adequately meets MLA formatting requirements taught to date. |
Sufficiently follows MLA formatting requirements taught to date. Has certain patterns of error that should be mastered. |
Shows little understanding of MLA formatting requirements taught to date. |